
Rising Gas Prices, Historic Deficits Mean Advantage: Democrats? So Says Hulse

Reporter Carl Hulse somehow finds Democratic advantage in rising gas prices and the exploding deficit: "Senior Democrats believe that tying [high gas prices and rising deficits] will put pressure ...

April Unemployment Back Up to 9%; 27th Month Above 8%

Despite 244,000 jobs gained in April, national unemployment rate has been higher than promised since February 2009.

NY Times Says It's 'Ugly' to Celebrate bin Laden's Death

The headline over Benedict Carey's story: "Celebrating a Death: Ugly, Maybe, but Only Human." Carey writes: "Some Americans celebrated the killing of Osama bin Laden loudly, with chanting and ...

More Wishful Thinking? Times Pushes Pro-Dem Special Election Spin on Front Page

The Times, always hypersensitive to potential Republican electoral troubles, used Friday's front page to push Democratic prospects for a special election in the suburbs of Buffalo, what the Times ...

On Defensive, Times Takes on 'Torture Apologists' Who See Vindication of Harsh Interrogation Tactics

Thursday's lead editorial: "The killing of Osama bin Laden provoked a host of reactions from Americans: celebration, triumph, relief, closure and renewed grief. One reaction, however, was both ...

Obama Nabbing Osama: 'Glow of National Pride;' Bush's Capture of Saddam 'Momentarily' Halted 'Spiral of Concern'

First sentence of the Times' second paragraph on Obama's rising poll numbers after Osama's capture: "The glow of national pride seemed to rise above partisan politics, as support for the president ...

Times Suggests GOP Ruining Post-Osama Mood of Unity By Pushing Legislation

The Times sympathizes with poor nonpartisan Harry Reid after Republicans mean-spiritedly insist on their own domestic agenda even after the death of Osama bin Laden: "Senator Harry Reid, the ...

NYT Ignores Panetta, Assures Us 'Brutal Interrogations' Didn't Help Track Osama

The Times' overconfident analysis of the available information serves to protect its ideological left flank, ignoring C.I.A. director Leon Panetta's admission that enhanced interrogation, ...

J. Crew Goes Gay Crew

There's more to company's LGBT agenda than pink nail polish.

Times Brushes Aside Inconvenient OBL Fact: Intelligence Originated at Gitmo

While praising Obama's "strong and measured" leadership in the killing of Osama bin Laden, the Times editorial page feigns ignorance on how the necessary tips came to be, contradicting its own ...
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