
Blogger Blames Christians For Gay Suicides

Claims a direct relationship between the gay teen suicide rate, and the common, absolute Christian condemnation of gays.

Elie Wiesel Calls for 'Interfaith Center' to Replace Ground Zero Mosque

Holocaust author and Nobel Laureate says mosque would 'hurt some people who have suffered.'

CNBC Anchor: Hugo Chavez is 'Funny,' 'Charming,' 'A Seductor,' but 'Dangerous'

'Power Lunch' co-host explains how she views the Venezuelan dictator's ability to win people over and rise to power.

The View Ignores Whether Government Should Dictate Citizens' Diets

Childhood obesity and food stamps conceal real issue of government impeding personal freedom.

Michael Shear Laments Failure to Heed Obama Over Unregulated Campaign Cash Going to GOP

"Flood of Campaign Cash Becomes the Issue," reads the Times online headline over a Michael Shear story. And just how did it "become the issue"? Because the Times and the Democrats want it to be ...

Times Passes Along Scare Tactics of Western Democrats

Kirk Johnson on the Democrats' bringing up "wedge issue" like abortion to keep Democratic voters on their side come November: "But whether Mr. Buck is out of touch, or exactly in touch with his ...

The NYT Co. Files Friend of the Court Brief in Favor of 'God Hates Fags' Church

The Times supports the First Amendment rights of the despicable "God Hates Fags" funeral picketers, led by Fred Phelps, but other kinds of free speech like campaign advertising by corporations are ...

Soros-Funded Think Progress, MoveOn Grumble Over Foreign Donations

MSNBC, NY Times glom onto 'professional left's' attack campaign on U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Exploding Children in Eco-Group's Video Fails to Upset Liberal News Media

Shocking British short to promote cutting carbon emissions shows skeptics being blown up for not participating.

Times Main Economics Writer Loves Obama-Care for Disrupting 'Status Quo'

Times economics writer David Leonhardt reacted to news that McDonald's may drop health insurance for its workers because of Obama-care by blaming the status quo: " does represent progress. ...
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