
Times Watch Quotes of Note - The Tea Party's 'War on Competence and Professionalism'

Plus: Frank Rich on the "useful idiots" of the GOP, and the non-partisan warnings of Obama the Wise.

Pleasant Surprise: Networks Include God in Chilean Miners' Rescue

ABC, CBS, and NBC didn't ignore spiritual comments from trapped miners.

Go to Vegas, Meet Obama, Don't Mention Obama Criticizes Blowing Cash in Vegas

Reporter Michael Shear sounded pretty excited in his blog post about an Obama fundraising trip to Las Vegas: "Democratic Contest: Go to Vegas, Meet Obama." But Shear left out that Obama chided ...

Media No Longer Gassed About Ethanol

Even the media can't cheer the EPA's recent increase in gasoline ethanol content.

Putting a Damper on Republican Takeover Dreams

Reporters Carl Hulse and Jeff Zeleny offer some seriously strained hypotheticals, like "last-minute missteps," in the defense of the idea that Democrats could hold on to control of the House of ...

Palin Still Knee-Jerk Source of Mirth for Liberal Times Reporters

"Was it a Sarah Palin moment? Christine O'Donnell, the Republican Senate candidate in Delaware, stumbled during the debate tonight when asked for a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision that she ...

Cry Babies: 'View' Hosts Walk Out on O'Reilly During Heated Mosque Debate

Whoopi calls O'Reilly's claims 'bull****' before storming off stage

Controversial Video Game Only Renames Taliban, 'Opposition Forces'

EA's 'Medal of Honor' fails to remove divisive enemy combatant multi-player option.

J Street Co-Founder Calls Creation of Israel 'An Act that was Wrong'

Liberal 'pro-Israel' group gets caught in another lie, lashes out at 'right-wing blogs.'
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