
Walters Defends Risqué Glee/GQ Photo Shoot

'The View' host sees no problem with sexualized photo shoot of 'family-friendly' television characters

Herszenhorn Finds 'Simplistic' GOP Anti-Spending Arguments on Campaign Trail

David Herszenhorn twice chided G.O.P. campaign rhetoric on spending as "simplistic," dubiously claimed that repealing Obama-care would cost money, and lamented that the price of extending the Bush ...

Poor John Dingell Faces Nasty Campaign and Angry 'Bellowing' - Michele Bachmann a 'Polarizing Republican'

Double standards: The Times lets Democratic congressional baron John Dingell lament the nasty political climate that means "He now faces a wealthy cardiologist with Tea Party leanings, and ...

High School 'Glee' Stars Strip/Sex it Up for GQ

Popular youth-oriented show's actors wear little for men's magazine; will media ignore?

Behar Blames Tea Party For Bristol Palin's Continued Success on Dancing With The Stars

'The View' co-host uses reality TV results in an attempt to slam conservatives.

Media Single Out Gay-Bullying Link in Reporting Teen Suicides

Facebook and Hollywood are the latest to ignore depression and divorce as contributing factors to increasing youth suicides.

Israel-Bashing Filmmaker to Receive Honorary Oscar

Jean Luc Godard calls Jewish state a cancer that justifies Palestinian terrorism.

Daily Beast: Wal-Mart's Morals Victimize Kanye

Site claims celebrity shoplifters and soft-core pornography publications banned from Wal-Mart stores are 'victims' of the retail giant.

Feminist Groups Call Conservative Women 'Nutty' and 'Whores,' Media Ignores

NOW endorses liberal male candidates over conservative females, despite bemoaning lack of women in politics.

Michael Shear: Only Conservatives Commit Crazy, Controversial Campaign Clunkers

A long story by Michael Shear almost ignores Democratic campaign controversies but found at least 10 incidents worth mentioning on the Republican side.
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