
The Times Is Charmed by Stewart's Schtick on the Mall, Skips Inconvenient Facts

The Times flatters the cute and clever signs from the "overwhelming" crowd and live blogged the event, which it failed to do for Glenn Beck's recent rally or the huge Tea Party rally of September ...

John Stewart's 'Million Moderate March' was Not Very Moderate

Protest signs blasted Tea-Tards, Fox News Channel, Sarah Palin

Santelli Urges Focus, Debate over Policy, Instead of Tea Party

CNBC reporter criticizes deficit commission, says country needs 'spending commission.'

HuffPo Blogger Claims 'Working Class Got Brainwashed'

Myriam Miedzian struggles to understand why many who aren't rich want to maintain Bush tax cuts for upper income earners.

Carl Hulse on GOP Candidates With 'a Very Conservative if Not Extreme Agenda'

Congressional reporter Carl Hulse has some chuckles at the expense of "extreme" Republican candidates: I thought what [the Times pollster] said was interesting about voters being willing to vote ...

More Texas Slant From James McKinley, Pitting Angry Conservatives Against a Working-Class Hero Dem

While one candidate was described in flattering fashion as a Democrat from the working-class streets of south San Antonio speaking to voters in flawless Spanish, his Republican opponent was seen ...

CMI Special Analysis: Media Help Flailing Liberals Spread Message on Abortion, Gay Rights

In run-up to midterms, desperate lib candidates focus on divisive social issues – and media lend a helping hand.

Ladies of 'The Talk' Deem Sarah Palin 'Ignorant' but 'Hot'

Co-hosts of the new CBS talk show can be added to the list of Palin persecutors.

Feminists Slam Gawker For Publishing Anonymous O'Donnell Sex Story

NOW calls the sleazy article 'public sexual harassment.'

DeMint: Ben Nelson, Joe Lieberman Caucusing with GOP for Control of Senate 'Possible'

U.S. Senator tells CNBC's 'The Kudlow Report' viewers Nelson will have to switch parties to win re-election and Lieberman may be 'more comfortable' with Republicans.
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