
Ron Paul Rips Paul Krugman: I Pray Every Night his Views -- Just Disappear

Outspoken libertarian Texas congressman argues Feds quantitative easing isnt working and that discredits liberal New York Times columnists view.

Media Reporter Passes the Mike to Left-Wing Maddow to Defend Olbermann, Blast Fox News

Media reporter Brian Stelter devoted four paragraphs of his 10-paragraph story on Keith Olbermann's return from his suspension by MSNBC to quoting an on-air harangue of Fox News from Olbermann's ...

NYT Celebrates Hypothetical Success of Far-Left Nation Mag, Lamented National Review 'Nastiness' After 2008 Election

Jeremy Peters celebrates success at the far-left Nation that has yet to occur: "Despite all the gloom, could last week's Democratic pummeling actually have a silver lining for The Nation, once ...

Reporter Michael Cooper Deflates Pro-Republican 'Myths of the Midterm'

Michael Cooper "debunks the myths of the midterm" in ways that each happen to make Democratic prospects look not so bleak: Return to the Republican Fold (Cooper denied it.) The Sweeping Mandate ...

YouTube Removes Some Al Qaeda Videos from Website

But thousands of radical sermons still remain public on YouTube.

MSNBC Says 'Fantastic' Report Shows 151,000 Jobs Added, But Rate 'Holds Steady'

Media ignore how positive numbers fall more than 7 million jobs shy of Obama's jobs promise.

Matt Bai Makes Late Hit on Sarah Palin

Matt Bai on his least favorite kind of Republican: "In the kind of opposition Ms. Palin represents, issues aren't always meant to be addressed through governance, but rather to be deployed as ...

Calmes Confidently Claims GOP Repeal of Obama-Care Would Cost Money

Reporter Jackie Calmes pretends it's a certainty that Obama-care will actually save money: "Republicans also say they will try to deny money to put Mr. Obama's new health care law into effect, ...

'In a Poignant Twist,' Heroic 'Maverick' 'Independent' Russ Feingold Loses in Wisconsin

Reporter Katharine Seelye implausibly celebrates liberal Senator Russ Feingold as a fierce "maverick" independent: " ...a liberal with a fierce streak of independence who crusaded against the ...

Despite GOP Sweep, Liberals Make Tax, Spending Decisions in Lame Duck Session

Mountain of legislation awaits Congress; taxes, unemployment, Medicare and more may be addressed.
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