
From Soda Taxes to Happy Meal Toy Bans, Media Feed Viewers Food Police Message

Under guise of anti-obesity crusade, liberal media ask if soda is 'killing us,' compare it to cocaine and condemn fast food companies for ads.

Thomas Friedman Slams 'Fox TV' for Spreading 'Hate and Venom' Towards Obama

Thomas Friedman ended a tribute to American creativity and optimism with an arbitrary put down of Fox News: "I keep meeting these people any time I travel outside of Wash-they didn't get the word ...

Media Apathetic About Glee's Gay Kiss

Those media outlets that chose to speak up, glossed over the controversial smooch.

Coming Soon: The ExxonMobil Dollar?

Founder of MBF Clearing Corp Mark Fisher says fix to erratic currency markets would be reserve based on hydrocarbons.

Murkowski Won in Alaska By Pushing 'Reality' vs. the 'Conservative Utopia' of Joe Miller, While 'Embarrassing' Sarah Palin

Reporter William Yardley celebrates ex-Republican and evident Alaska Senate winner Lisa Murkowski as a realist: "Joe Miller, the Republican nominee, promoted a conservative utopia in the Last ...

Cozying up to Playful Communists in Manhattan

For some reason, the Times finds a local group of Communists positively cuddlesome: "If communists have a reputation for anything, it is seriousness. (And if you have seen old photos of Karl Marx, ...

Columnist Nicholas Kristof on America, 'The Banana Republic'

Then move! Nicholas Kristof argues things are worse off in the United States than Guyana: "The richest 1 percent of Americans now take home almost 24 percent of income, up from almost 9 percent in ...

Media, Left Smear Michele Bachmann: Perfect End to Year of GOP Woman

Strong, conservative Minn. congresswoman draws ire of same liberal media that knock Republicans for lack of women.

Mort Kondracke Strikes Again: Michele Bachmann 'A Loud Mouth'

Roll Call editor attacks Minnesota congresswoman days after attacking former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

Media Promote Pro-Abortion View Covering Popular Twitter Topic

Print media outlets toe lefty line in reporting reaction to midterm elections.
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