
CNN Blogger: NYC Students Should be Required to Miss School for Muslim Holidays

Muslim special pleading demands a mosque at Ground Zero and Islamic holidays for the city's school kids.

CMI Commentary: WaPo Needs a 'Conservative Beat' Reporter Not a 'Beat Conservatives' Reporter

Reading a single daily issue proves that someone needs to explain the right to the paper.

Libs In Space!

Leave it to the New York Times to put an unnecessarily partisan anti-Bush spin on, of all things, space policy: "The Obama administration on Monday unveiled a space policy that renounces the ...

Media Defend Obama's Call for More Spending, Despite G-20 'Rift'

Krugman, ABC and others warn of double-dip recession, 'third depression' if stimulus ends.

Angry Liberal Columnist Attacks Libertarian Economist; Scarborough Redefines Regulation and Conservatism

Professor Jeffrey Miron argues government intervention in the economy prolongs problems, draws attack from Salon's Joe Conason.

WaPo Slams BP for Corporate Contributions

Report highlights contributions to 'pro-business' groups, ignores campaign funds given to Obama

From Congo to Cancer, Cell Phones Are Killing Machines, Sunday Columnists Argue

"Death By Gadget." Times columnists Nicholas Kristof and Maureen Dowd embrace different variations of cell phone fear.

Another Day, Another Front-Page Attack on Government Spending 'Austerity'

The paper's neo-liberal economic conscience found criticism of massive government spending by laissez-faire economists [and] Congressional Republicans, distressing, lamenting: They're able to ...

AP Equates Illegal Immigrants to Civil Rights-Era Minorities

Report praises segregration-era protest tactics, offers no counterpoint

American Atheist Editor: Christian Daycare is 'Child Abuse'

Professional non-believer calls religious training 'forced ignorance.'
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