
Dem Congressman: Dow Jones Will Plummet 1,000-2,000 if Financial Regulation Isn't Passed

Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D-Pa. makes dire prediction if financial legislation isn't OK'd, but CNBC's Jim Cramer says Washington is the problem.

The Times Predicts 'Bloody' Results After Gun Rights Victory

A Times editorial assures readers "the Supreme Court disregarded the plain words of the Second Amendment" in a court decision upholding an individual right to keep and bear arms, and predicts the ...

Cities of Ruin: Profiles Five 'Bankrupt' Cities, Ignores Liberal Causes

Reporter Ray Sanchez notes 'lingering economic downturn' and excessive debt, fails to explore problems of unionized labor, illegal immigration and overspending.

From Krugman's Column to the Front Page: Ireland's 'Austerity' Is Killing the Recovery

Liz Alderman wonders why Europe won't listen to Obama's wisdom: "The Group of 20 leaders [are] vowing to make deficit reduction the top priority despite warnings from President Obama that too much ...

Stolberg: Kagan a 'Brilliant Woman...Who Is Also Very Funny and Warm and Witty'

Reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg, Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats agree: Kagan a "brilliant" Supreme Court nominee: "Let's not forget that Elena Kagan has been an academic. She is a brilliant ...

Kudlow, Forbes Debunk Krugman's 'Third Depression' Call

CNBC host and Forbes editor argue current policies the Times columnist advocated haven't worked; liberal economist Dean Baker maintains policies weren't enough.

Media Ignore Planned Parenthood's $1.3 Billion Federal Funding Discrepancy

Networks and newspapers silent on government report contradicting abortion group's taxpayer funding figures.

Olbermann: Palin a 'Phony,' 'Idiot'

MSNBC host ridicules Sarah Palin for speech gaffe
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