
BBC Host and HuffPo Blogger Warns of U.S. Military Action if China Pushes for Global Currency

Max Keiser tells Aljazeera English that countries won't push toward a global currency for fear 'U.S. Marines are going to show up in our backdoor.'

OK to Represent American Taliban, But Big Tobacco Verboten

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is attacked on the front page for having once represented Big Tobacco. So how did the Times treat an Obama Justice Department nominee who represented an American Taliban ...

Climate Change Skepticism Earns Congressman Olbermann's 'Worst'

MSNBC host, citing material from left-wing blog, asks the Texas congressman to repeat his skepticism when 'the sun has just lit your neighbor's roof on fire.'

Devil in the Details

ABC hosts debate about the existence of Satan, but fails to find Christian authority on the topic.

Amazing Omissions in Times Interview of Barney Frank

A Times writer manages to talk to Barney Frank about Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and an SNL skit without bringing up a single challenging question.

CNBC's Deutsch Doesn't Want 'Idiots' on Wall Street Making $10 Million a Year

Calls for the education system 'to start breeding executives' to overcome the notion we're 'out-of-whack' and 'gluttonous.'

Free-Market Radical From Czech Republic "Embarrasses" EU Again

Once again, the Times chides a Czech Republic leader's infuriating embrace of free-market principles.

Edward Norton Compares 'Symbolic' Global Warming Event to Selma's 'Bloody Sunday'

Actor and 'official ambassador for Earth Hour' compares turning out lights for hour to Civil Rights event marked by brutal attacks on its participants.

FNC's Morris Contends Obama Wants Bank Package to Fail

Says president 'wants to nationalize the banks, he wants a socialist economy.'

Striving to Paint a More Positive Picture of a Cop-Killer

Lovelle Mixon killed four Oakland police officers - but was he also a victim of the California penal system?
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