
Cramer Declares End of 'Depression'; Credits Obama's Rhetoric, not Actions

'Mad Money' host had taken the 'Great Depression' off the table after the federal government enacted a bailout in late 2008.

Howard Dean: Part-Time CNBC Contributor, Part-Time MoveOn.Org Activist

Former Democratic presidential candidate using left-wing group to campaign for Obama while employed by CNBC.

A Rainbow of College Choices

Newsweek snipes at conservatives while discussing special circumstances surrounding college admissions process of gay students.

Defining 'Fair Share,' Green Candidate Calls for Higher Taxes on Rich

Green Party member asserts millionaires should put up with paying half their income in taxes.

Caruso Cabrera Decries G20's Attack on Tax Havens: 'Leave Liechtenstein Alone!'

CNBC 'Power Lunch' co-host notes how tax competition is important; elimination of tax havens would benefit brutal dictatorial regimes.

Lichtblau Defends Obama Nominee Who Shares His Anti-Bush Views

Our hero: Eric Lichtblau rushes to liberal Obama nominee Harold Koh's defense against unfair conservative attacks. "The controversy began with a short article in The New York Post and soon ...

Newt on G20 Protests: 'The Media is Always Happy to Cover the Anarchic and Violent Left'

Former House Speaker criticizes press for giving more attention to London G20 protests and ignoring bigger taxpayer tea party protests.

Times Ignores Obama's Gauche Gifts to the Queen and Gordon Brown

Smooth diplomacy from the new Kennedys: Unplayable DVDs for the Prime Minister, and an Ipod loaded up with Obama speeches for the Queen.

Hyping Class, Ignoring Controversial Business

Media ignore abortion connection in coverage of Montana plane crash.

Enviro-Elmo Gives Green Gospel to Terrible Twos

Sesame Street: 'green' indoctrination for the pre-school set.
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