
Media Irked by Bachus' 'Socialist' Label; Ignores Double Standard

Bachus rebuked on MSNBC for claims of 17 socialists in the House of Reps, despite recent Newsweek cover claiming 'We're All Socialist Now.'

Dear NY Times: Bailouts Undermine Themselves

The problem with government bailouts is that they prevent companies from making necessary changes to compete.

Anti-Global-Warming Activist Marc Morano Gets Cold Shoulder

The Times tries to discredit anti-global-warming activist Marc Morano by linking him to some of their favorite villains: Exxon, the Swift Boat Veterans, and Richard Mellon Scaife.

Politically Correct Movie Critic Likens New Comedy to Abu Ghraib

Gee whiz, it's only a movie: "If you thought Abu Ghraib was a laugh riot then you might love 'Observe and Report,'....Like the pettiest of dictators, [main character] Ronnie preys on the weak in ...

A Whopper of a Problem: CBS Anchor Makes Light of Raunchy Fast Food Ad

Early Show co-host Maggie Rodriguez laughs off concerns about Burger King Kids Meal ad featuring sex and SpongeBob.

Hitchens: America's Enemy 'Most Godly Imaginable Group'

'Hardball' debate over America's religiosity ends with incredible assertion by well-known atheist.

MSNBC Pro-Union Host Ed Schultz Received $22K from Labor in 2008

New TV talking head took money in 2008 from steelworker, air traffic controller and plumber unions for speaking, public relations fees.

LA Times Columnist: 'Bail Out Journalism'

Rosa Brooks ask readers, 'Other democracies pay for accurate reporting, so why shouldn't the U.S.?'

Columnist Charles Blow Easily Frightened By "Crazy Stuff" from Right-Wing

Charles Blow: "...some of the right's talking heads are talking about an armed revolt....Crazy stuff methinks."

ABC Asks: Is Bad News the New Porn?

Some people are becoming addicted to bad economic news and ABC should share some of the blame.
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