
Name That Party, Congressional Scandal Edition

Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. of Illinois is in hot water over the Ill. Senate seat scandal, but the Times didn't identify him as a Democrat until the ninth paragraph. How did the same paper treat a ...

"Mass" Ignorance of Catholic Liturgy at the Times

Going once, going twice, going three times: "No Mass is said on Good Friday."

Another Overheated Budget Cut Story by Eric Eckholm

From Sunday's front page: "States Slashing Social Programs For Vulnerable."

House Bill Would Allow 'Victims' to Sue Private Companies, Government for Global Warming

FNC's 'Fox & Friends' warns of the chilling effect from vague language that could allow anti-pollution litigation for headaches to cancer.

Roger Cohen Praises Iran's Resiliency, Accuses Israel of Lying About Threat

Columnist Roger Cohen (pictured) continues his defense of Iran, accusing the Israelis of "crying wolf" over Iran's nuclear threat.

Rush Limbaugh Will 'Lead the Way' Out of Highest Tax State

Spurred by new 'millionaire tax' Limbaugh tells FOX there will be an exodus from New York.

Carl Hulse Hates GOP's Successful Demonization of the "Death Tax"

Congressional reporter Carl Hulse insisted that the "death tax" (always in quotes) "hits merely a sliver of wealthy American families" and was dismayed at how successful the conservative campaign ...

Paul Krugman Behooves Himself

The economist turned left-wing talking points spouter goes after the tea party protests by comparing Rush Limbaugh to Stalin and saying Republicans are like the mentally ill.

'Nightly News' Doesn't Mention that Amtrak Infrastructure Spending May Just be 'Good Money After Bad'

NBC reports hundreds of billions will be needed to achieve Obama's high-speed rail goals, but ignore its estimated $700-million losses.

Dear Fla. Times-Union: Buying Local Hurts Locals

Paying higher prices hurts everyone now and down the road.
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