
The Times Flatters Another Liberal Paper, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution

"In the 1950s and '60s, under Ralph McGill, The Atlanta Constitution infuriated conservative white readers with its liberal views, especially on segregation. Cynthia Tucker, the editorial page ...

Left-Wing Thugs in Latin America "Inspired" By Obama, Times Applauds

Bleech: "Leaders from the Western Hemisphere, inspired by a new American president, closed a two-day summit meeting proclaiming a new dawn for relations in the region..."

Charles Blow's Latest Conservative-Baiting

Blow defends a notorious Department of Homeland Security report tarring anyone active in conservative causes like abortion or immigration as potential extremists.

CBS Commiserates Over Higher Bank Credit Card Fees; Ignores Gov't Takeover Threats

'Evening News' segment finds fault in bailed out banks for exercising caution over credit card lending.

Obama Welcomes America-Bashing

Defending the United States takes a back seat to proving he is non-ideological.

Gay Marriage Activist Perez Hilton Invites Miss California for Coffee After Posting Angry Rant Online

Gossip blogger gets a pass from Larry King on his vitriolic reaction.

More Slimy Double Standards From Sportswriter Harvey Araton

For Araton, it's necessary for athletes and athletic commentators to speak out on public issues - unless it's for a cause that's not politically correct, like supporting teammates falsely accused ...

CNN Reporter Touts Obama Fiscal Responsibility: Obama 'Serious About Cutting Back'

Administration lauded for reportedly cutting drop-in-the-bucket $100 million from $3.5 trillion budget.

Big-Spending Obama's Not Liberal, Just "Pragmatic"

Reporter Richard Stevenson claims the big-spending, tax-raising president is actually committed "to the most basic conservative tenets: the power of markets as an engine of innovation and ...

Frank Rich's Inconvenient "Bigots" Against Gay Marriage

Frank Rich sees "the demise of America's anti-gay movement" and warns those "who have spread the poisons of bigotry and fear" by opposing gay marriage." Does that include President Obama and the ...
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