
'World News' Airs Catastrophic Global Warming story for Earth Day

ABC correspondent Bill Blakemore recycles one-sided calamitous predictions, insists humans must agree to cut carbon emissions.

'Access Hollywood' Falsely Suggests Prejean in Danger of Losing Crown

Segment hypes Prejean's late arrival for appointment with Donald Trump and suggests her outspokenness unfitting of Miss California.

Obama Economic Adviser Warns Spending Could Create Double Digit Inflation

Harvard economist Martin Feldstein tells FOX Business Network Fed creation of 'high-powered' reserves will result in inflation, higher taxes.

CNN Admits 'Cap and Trade' Will Cost, in Earth Day 'Energy Fix'

Poppy Harlow mentions EPA estimate of higher energy prices, but doesn't include other projections and criticisms of legislation.

Did the Times Bury an Inconvenient Torture Memo Story?

The paper relegated its hit Tuesday story, indicating harsh interrogation methods had proven effective in understanding Al Qaeda, to five paragraphs of a separate story in Wednesday's ...

Media Talk Up Pot Legalization as Possible Answer to Bad Economy

Spike in press reports around cryptic 4/20 date explore how lawful possession of marijuana would impact government deficits, economy.

Aww! Obama Tears Up Over Letters from Public

Reporter Ashley Parker certainly did a great job making Barack Obama look compassionate. Did Bush ever get the same treatment from the Times?

Media Help Activists in Aggressive Push to Embrace Homosexuality

Outlets act as gay voice on Day of Silence; gloss over LGBT attacks on people who believe differently.

Witty Barney Frank, Meet Senator Al Franken

An article by Michael Powell awards the contested Minnesota Senate seat to Al Franken and revels in the anti-Republican wit of liberal Rep. Barney Frank.

Torturous Reading: Self-Righteous Editors and "The Scary Caterpillar"

What? "To read the four newly released memos on prisoner interrogation written by George W. Bush's Justice Department is to take a journey into depravity. Their language is the precise ...
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