
Prejean Needs No Enemies with Friends Like NBC

'Today' host Matt Lauer again forces Miss California to defend her stance on traditional marriage.

CNN Anchor and Guest Warn 'Pandemic' Could be Like 1918

Dr. Martin Blaser predicts 'likely scenario' like Spanish flu on 'American Morning,' but ignores calmer predictions.

Time's Liberal Bias Taught in Schools

Free news magazine for students promotes liberal ideology.

CNN Correspondent Jabs President on FOCA, 'Above My Pay Grade' Answer

Ed Henry shows the Obama-fied press corps how to challenge a public official.

Media Latch on to Swine Flu 'Pandemic'

National news goes hog wild with influenza stories but barely discusses Bush preparations; need for border security.

Obama Attacks Fox News, Tea Parties at Town Hall Meeting

President criticizes pushback from media and tea party participants for spending policies in the name of entitlement reform.

'World News' Tars Smithfield in Swine Flu Segment

ABC correspondent Jeffrey Kofman attacks pork company farm for environmental impact without directly connecting it to the flu strain.

Toronto Star Columnist 'Wishes' Conservative Michelle Malkin Were Shot

Pro-Abortion writer Antonia Zerbisias's Twitter post: 'I wish the marksmen would take @MichelleMalkin. I'm thinking Dick Cheney. He's such a great shot.'

Media Hails Senate Confirmation of Health Secretary to Combat Swine Flu; Downplays to Her Late-Term Abortion Support

Media ignores Homeland Security's lead role responding to virus, maintains Sebelius needed combat it.
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