
'Evening News' Supports Obama 'Reform,' Complains about Credit Card Fees

Segment blames banks for 'gouging' customers in times of difficult credit, plays the bailout card.

Miss RI: Miss California Being Attacked for Stance for Traditional Marriage

CBS finally asks somebody the right question in regards to Carrie Prejean.

The "Conservative" Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand?

The New York Democrat's voting record is safely left-of-center, but she's never been liberal enough to suit the Times.

CNN's Rick Sanchez Assails Food Industry

'Conversation' host interviews former FDA chief who claims food consumers being 'manipulated;' leaves out counterargument.

The "Conservative" Geraldo Rivera?

Reporter Robbie Brown evidently doesn't watch much Geraldo, a passionate defender of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

Jake Tapper Critical of Obama's 'Tiny' Budget Cut Efforts

ABC's White House correspondent reminds viewers Obama mocked opponent McCain for earmark vigilance of same dollar amount.

Obscenity Blackout

Curse words not news when networks lose.

Obama Challenged From Left on Gay Marriage

Sheryl Gay Stolberg tries to nudge Obama toward a more outspoken advocacy on gay issue, but still gives Obama a pass on his opposition to gay marriage because he's a Christian.

"Robber Baron" Transforms Into "Shrewd Businessman" After Loan to NYT

Carlos Slim, described in 2007 as a "thief" and "robber baron" by a Times editorial writer, is now "a very shrewd businessman with an appreciation for great brands," according to the paper's ...

'Nightly News' Hails Green Cars as Savior of Michigan Economy

According to NBC segment, the liberal agenda of green manufacturing will rescue American auto manufacturers.
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