
'Fast Money' Cast Debunks Legend of 'Dr. Doom' Roubini

CNBC trading show panel explains basing trading behavior on predictions made by left-wing media darling, NYU professor would have lost investors money.

ABC's Gibson Toes White House Line About How It Will 'Save or Create' Jobs

'World News' claims stimulus bill passed earlier this year 'will save or create one-and-a-half million jobs,' despite data showing contrary.

ABC, NBC Hype CSPI's Left-Wing Anti-Restaurant Study

Evening newscasts push Center for Science in the Public Interest study about killer salt, downplay individual responbility for food choices.

Shuster Says 'Can I Vomit' When Trump Lets Miss California Keep Crown

Anchor tries to discredit Carrie Prejean for her support of traditional marriage.

David Sanger Finds Wisdom in Conspiracy-Monger's Book on Muslim World

Professor Juan Cole calls Israel "racist" and "fascist" on his blog. He now has a book out, and the Times' David Sanger thinks Bush should have "mulled over such material."

FOX: 'Lap Dances' for GM Customers?

Analysts on 'Cashin' In' debate whether GM should do whatever it takes to woo customers despite taxpayer bailout.

Surprise: Balanced Coverage of Obama's Next Supreme Court Pick

What's gotten into two of the Times' legal reporters? One admits that Obama will surely nominate a liberal to replace the liberal Justice Souter, while the other points out contradictions in ...

Obama Gets "Cranky" Without the NYT, Used to Sell Subscriptions

Yikes: "Can we Kling On to our newspapers in the galactic age?" Maureen Dowd (pictured) is the latest original thinker to compare Barack Obama to Spock from Star Trek, in a column that portrays ...

Front-Page Placement for Left-Wing Propaganda for Kids

Annie Leonard's "The Story of Stuff" portrays corporations as a bloated person sporting a top hat and with a dollar sign etched on its front. Very subtle!

The "Conservative" Colin Powell?

Colin Powell joins Geraldo Rivera in the Times' peculiar hall of conservatives.
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