
Dowd Lifts Anti-War Talking Points From "Talking Points" Blog

Columnist Maureen Dowd is in trouble again for misusing quotes. This time it's a paragraph in her latest column clearly lifted from a liberal blog, the ironically named Talking Points Memo.

Networks Lead the Cheer for Obama's Notre Dame Address

On abortion, he talked a good game, and that was enough for reporters.

Speaker Pelosi Lied? Page A-18

Everything from serious (Chrysler closing dealerships, Afghan airstrikes) to silly (ranting advertisements, frozen pot pies) beat Nancy Pelosi's press conference on her knowledge of waterboarding ...

Did Times Report Invent a Quote for Catholic Leader?

Holy Jayson Blair! Catholic League president William Donohue charges Times reporter Paul Vitello with inventing a quote: "I never said anything remotely like this."

New York Times Bolsters Ecuador's $27-Billion Shake Down of Chevron

Story employs anti-oil company talking points blaming former energy giant Texaco for nation's woes.

NBC's Answer to Irresponsible College Student Borrowing: More Government

'Nightly News' segment absolves student borrowers from mistakes of their early adulthood.

Resigned Miss California Director Claims National Organization for Marriage is Hate Group; CBS Doesn't Bat an Eye

On 'The Early Show,' Shanna Moakler goes after Prejean and traditional marriage advocates.

Democrats Show 'Growing Unease' With Obama's Wars

The Times played down liberal dissent on his sudden reversal on the release of "detainee abuse" photos, but they published a whole story on liberal Democrats developing an "unease" for Obama's wars.

Cramer Claims Stewart Was Trying to Get Him Fired: 'One Day He'll Answer for It'

CNBC 'Mad Money' host admits 'Daily Show' appearance wasn't one of his best, but fires back at Comedy Central host.

Fox Biz Debates Obama's Plan to Limit CEO Pay

'Money for Breakfast' guest suggests administration lacks constitutional authority.
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