
Times Avoids Pope Quotes, Highlights Harsh Accusers

It's easy to denounce the Vatican's poor public-relations efforts when you're unwilling to quote the Pope in your story, but you're eager to let people accuse him of being an "enthusiastic Nazi."

Question Whether CO2 is a Pollutant and MSNBC's Schultz Calls it 'Psycho Talk'

Left-wing radio and TV host assails Rep. Joe Barton for pointing out a flaw in EPA's regulation of carbon dioxide as a pollutant.

Repeat Offender: ABC's Gibson Sticks with White House 'Create or Save' Claim

'World News' host doubles-down on Obama administration assertion that the $787-billion stimulus is responsible for curbing unemployment.

Downbeat Spin from the Times: World Ends, Minorities Hardest Hit

Which newspaper headline, over articles about the same report from the Pew Hispanic Center, is not like the others? The one from the Times, naturally.

GOP's "Angry," "Negative" Tone Killing the Party

The Times' chief politcal reporter says Rush Limbaugh is definitely not a "Happy Warrior." But has Adam Nagourney ever actually heard Rush's show?

'The Early Show' Focus: 'Is America Ready for a Gay Supreme Court Justice?'

CBS discusses identity politics; skips over judicial philosophy.

Networks Tell One Side of Health Care Story: Obama's

Reports on president's meeting with health care industry and potential 'reform' leave out critics, free-market solutions.

Kudlow Says Pot Legalization Push is Cover for Failed Schwarzenegger Governorship

CNBC host says marijuana legalization is just a grab for revenue, not a libertarian expansion of freedom.

Another Day, Another Softball MSNBC Interview with Perez Hilton

Network's Brewer bemoans the lack of apology from Miss California to vulgar blogger.

Silent Spring for Networks on Recent Same-Sex Marriage Decisions

Nightly news programs fail to cover liberal definitions of marriage.
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