
Religion Blogger Exaggerates Fox' Take on Obama No-Show at National Day of Prayer Events

Dallas News' Wayne Slater confuses reasonable discussion with 'gnashing of teeth.'

Chris Matthews Portrays GOP as Anti-Science

According to MSNBC host, not believing in evolution is a rejection of the scientific method.

Former CNBC Host Crosses Over to MSNBC to Bash Abstinence, GOP

Dylan Ratigan, appears on 'Countdown' to announce his new show and run down social conservatism.

Cavuto Rants about Obama's Vilification of Business

Fox Business anchor says administration is portraying successful businesses as bad guys, while bailing out losers.

Glowing Dutch - NYT Magazine Celebrates Euro-Socialism

The headline over Russell Shorto's story is self-explanatory: 'Going Dutch - How I Learned To Love The European Welfare State.'

A "Brutal" Switch on C.I.A. Interrogation Semantics

The Times steps up the rhetoric to show its disapproval of the C.I.A.'s interrogation tactics against Al Qaeda terrorist suspects.

Media Deride Tax Haven 'Cheats' and 'Loopholes;' Ignore Benefits

Broadcast news portray Obama policy as increasing government revenue; MSNBC, CNN depict it as eliminating unethical behavior.

A "Formidable," "Muscular" Pro-Israel PAC

Scary stuff about a pro-Israel lobby: "The site of the conference, the Washington Convention Center, is conveniently, and symbolically, about equally close to the White House and the Capitol, the ...

Shuster-fied Tolerance

Inflammatory MSNBC reporter lectures Joe the Plumber on accepting others.

'The Early Show' Uses Palin Drama to Bash Abstinence

As Bristol speaks out for abstinence, CBS focuses on Levi Johnston's disagreement with the family.
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