
Barack Obama, the One-Man Racial Reconciliator

Front-page Sunday space for a laudatory survey of how the election of Barack Obama has brought blacks and whites together.

More Myth-Making of the "Pragmatist" Obama

Times reporters like Jodi Kantor continue to push the soothing idea that President Obama won't appoint liberals to the Supreme Court, just "pragmatists" like him.

So Much for the Good War

Carl Hulse devoted a whole story to Democrat "qualms" over Afghanistan, but none of them are called liberal.

Nagourney's Guiding Light Away from the Religious Right

It's not surprising that a prominent member of the Times "gay mafia" would use an unsuccessful McCain strategist to urge that "Same-Sex Marriage Holds Peril for GOP."

'60 Minutes' Promotes $27-Billion Leftist 'Fraud' Efforts Against Chevron

One-sided segment uses misleading footage, biased sources and omits key points to perpetrate scheme by Ecuadoran government, friend of Obama.

Opie Gets Ugly

Movie watchers are going to think large chunks of Ron Howard's Angels and Demons are actual human history, and the trailer has no disclaimer about how this scientist-murdering-church narrative is ...

ABC Medical Editor Calms Down Media's Flu Coverage

Dr. Timothy Johnson tells viewers virus may not be as 'lethal' as feared; calls out overreacting media.

Times Fails to Report on Maersk Alabama Captain's Call to Arm Crews

So much for "all the news that's fit to print." The subject of an amazing Navy hostage rescue from Somali pirates testified to Congress, but it didn't make the paper.

CNN Hails Zeleny's "Enchanted" Question: "Good Job, Jeff!"

John Roberts compared Zeleny's softball to hardballs thrown at Bush in 2004. Back then, the Times asked Bush if he had "personal responsibility" for the 9/11 attacks.

Shuster Attacks Traditional Marriage Advocate; Asks If He Fears Attraction to Gay Couple

MSNBC host turns interview into shouting match about Miss California controversy.
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