
SWF Seeks Man, Woman or Famous Landmark

ABC again opens the door to abnormal sexuality.

Olbermann Spews Lefty Blog Anti-Gun Bile at Beck, NRA for 'Murdering Policemen'

'Countdown' host blames gun rights group for unrelated T-shirts, blames popular conservative personality to gun violence.

ACORN, HuffPo Organizing Efforts to Infiltrate Tax Day Tea Parties

FNC's Cavuto says efforts underway to make protests appear as 'fringe-group efforts' and in some cases as 'racist undertakings.'

NYT Trumpets Obama Triumphs in Democrat-Heavy Poll

Are there really 67% more Democrats than Republicans out there? A Times/CBS poll assumes there are.

Notre Dame Protests Over Obama Address Merely "High-Pitched Indignation"

Suddenly, protests against commencement speeches by political figures are troubling and potentially cringeworthy - at least when they involve pro-abortion liberal Democrats.

Times Finally Marks Anti-Spending Tea Party...With Merciless Mockery

Tea parties were "spawned in the red-meat districts of right-wing talk radio and cable TV....the green lawn was rumbling with grass-roots anger. Actually, its grass-rootiness was highly debatable."

Charles Blow Fears Right-Wing Armed Revolution

Ignoring eight years of repugnant leftist attacks on George Bush, columnist Charles Blow wakes up, discovers extremists on the right: "They're apocalyptic. They feel isolated, angry, betrayed and ...

'Nightly News' Brings Alarmism Back

NBC chief environmental affairs correspondent alleges melting ice is 'a situation made worse by manmade global warming that now needs a manmade solution.'

Socialist Party USA's VP Candidate Tries to Defend Socialism on FNC

"Bulls and Bears" panelists clobber easily refute socialist claims that 'capitalism is a complete failure.'

The NYT Co. Loves All Unions...Except Their Own

The Boston Globe reports: "The New York Times Co. has threatened to shut the Boston Globe unless the newspaper's unions swiftly agree to $20 million in concessions, union leaders said."
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