Suddenly, protests against commencement speeches by political figures are troubling and potentially cringeworthy - at least when they involve pro-abortion liberal Democrats.
Tea parties were "spawned in the red-meat districts of right-wing talk radio and cable TV....the green lawn was rumbling with grass-roots anger. Actually, its grass-rootiness was highly debatable."
Ignoring eight years of repugnant leftist attacks on George Bush, columnist Charles Blow wakes up, discovers extremists on the right: "They're apocalyptic. They feel isolated, angry, betrayed and ...
NBC chief environmental affairs correspondent alleges melting ice is 'a situation made worse by manmade global warming that now needs a manmade solution.'
The Boston Globe reports: "The New York Times Co. has threatened to shut the Boston Globe unless the newspaper's unions swiftly agree to $20 million in concessions, union leaders said."