
McCain's "Strong Economy" vs. Obama's "Sound Economy"

When John McCain claimed "the fundamentals of our economy are strong," the Times hammered him as out of touch and ignorant about economics. How will they treat Obama's almost-identical statement?

AP Ignores Notorious Abortionist's Ties to Obama Nominee

A late-term abortionist and supporter of Obama's pending health secretary goes on trial without any mention.

Big War Over 'Big Love'

CBS Early Show feigns concern over sacred Mormon temple scene in HBO's series Big Love.

NY Times Rich Celebrates End of Family Values 'Ayatollahs'

Columnist says religious traditionalists are going the way of prohibitionists.

Dear Wall Street Journal: CEO Pay Caps are Micromanagement

How is dictating pay structure for executives not government interference?

Getting Cute with the Catholic Church

Rachel Donadio reported the Vatican's public relations blunder in the case of a Holocaust-denying bishop and went on to describe "a 2,000-year-old by octoganerians."

Liberal Timothy Egan Passes Moral Judgment on "Truly Awful Rich People"

Egan celebrates the death tax and wonders if there's a Hell painful enough for Bernie Madoff, Ken Lay, and Leona Helmsley.

'Daily Show' Host Stewart Blasts CNBC as 'Disingenuous at Best and Criminal at Worst'

'Mad Money' host Jim Cramer apologizes for not doing a better job as comedy's 'snake oil salesman' takes him to task for his coverage.

USNews's Erbe: Bristol Palin Has More Maturity than Mother

Columnist blames abstinence education for teen's situation.

Hookers for Jesus: ABC Presents Respectful Picture of Reformed Vegas Prostitutes

Hats off to ABC for a balanced and informative segment about converted call girls who have turned to religion.
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