
A Low-Tech Lent

Italian bishops urge congregations to give up electronic messaging until Easter.

Barney Frank Seeks Prosecutions for Those Involved in Downturn

House Financial Services Committee chairman to push for civil, criminal statutes to make bad practices illegal, but avoids addressing his own role in downturn.

Media Mum on AFL-CIO Florida Trip

They hammered Northern Trust events a week ago, but networks silent as AFL-CIO bosses 'work' in South Beach, Florida.

The Times Finds Bias in the Academy - Against Liberals?

Patricia Cohen locates the one academic discipline where conservatives have some voice - the economics department - and criticizes it for lack of balance.

Former NYT Reporter: "Clown" Limbaugh a "Sweaty, Swollen Man"

Timothy Egan, liberal reporter turned liberal blogger, jumps on the White-House driven anti-Rush bandwagon.

CNBC's Macke: Not Buying 150-Point Rally, Obama Holding Dow Back 2,000 Points

'Fast Money' co-host tells 'Kudlow Report' to stop listening to 'propeller-headed economists and dead British guys' and urges Obama to exhibit leadership.

'Daily Show' Mocks CNBC's Santelli 'Tea Party' Outburst After Canceled Appearance

Comedy Central's Jon Stewart attacks Chicago Merc. floor reporter with cherry-picked missed CNBC predictions.

Media Absent on Prom and Politics

Popular video contest Project Green Prom is a hit on liberal eco-friendly sites, gets no national media attention.

Roger Cohen Says Calling Hamas, Hezbollah Terrorist Is "Simplistic"

The Times' international columnist also makes fun of the name of a conservative blog that criticized a naive Cohen column about how good life is for Jews in Iran.

Maureen Dowd Makes Nice With McCain, on Earmarks

Maureen Dowd sides with John McCain, the twittering King Lear, against the overly passive Barack Obama.
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