
The Naked Truth About CBS and Teen Sex

The Early Show shows soft-core pics and hosts anti-abstinence advocates, but protests too much when confronted with teen sex.

Dobbs vs. Kudlow: CNN Host Trashes Rival's Presence at Obama Dinner

'Lou Dobbs Tonight' host bases criticism on old quotes; Dem. Strategist says Kudlow only belonged as the hired help.

Guantanamo Bay's "Seemingly Endless Supply of Embarrassments"

Jumping on remarks by a Pentagon official regarding Guantanamo Bay, reporter William Glaberson takes a broad view of "torture" and dismisses as "public relations" the idea that detainees released ...

Olbermann Omits Key Points from CAP Report to Bash GOP Senator

'Countdown' host accuses Oklahoma Sen. James Inhofe of ignoring parts of a left-wing think tank's study on Fairness Doctrine, but does that himself.

Cutting Obama's Treasury Pick Slack on Taxes

No scandal for Obama nominee Tim Geithner, tax scofflaw: "Geithner's Mistake on Tax Is Common, Experts Say."

Janet Napolitano, Obama's Brilliant Homeland Security Pick

Gushing over Obama pick Napolitano: "She is a 51-year-old self-described nerd who, despite a less-than-electrifying public persona, privately quotes lines from Monty Python movies, extols the ...

The Ice Age Cometh: Experts Warn of Global Cooling

'Lou Dobbs Tonight' segment dismisses manmade global warming theory -- 'effects of greenhouse gas have a small impact on climate change.'

CNN Anchor Thinks Ann Coulter Has Heart Three Sizes Too Small

'Showbiz Tonight' guests call the author 'rude,' 'out of control,' 'disruptive,' 'outrageous' and the 'worst guest ever.'

Tennessee Sludge Spill: Government Disaster 30 Times Worse than Exxon-Valdez

Media ignore fact that New Deal utility is run by the government.

David Sanger: "Distraction" of Iraq War Came at Grievous Cost

Reporter David Sanger has encapsulated his opposition to Bush's foreign policy in book form: "The argument of the book is that Iraq not only cost 4,000 American lives, $800 billion and untold ...
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