
GOP More to Blame for Partisanship

Mark Leibovich's story on the history of Washington partisanship failed to mention the left's attacks on Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas, while hinting that Republicans might shoulder a bigger ...

"Lethal Tricks" by Both Hamas and Israel?

The Times demonstrates its usual obsession with moral equivalency in the Middle East: "Gaza War Is Full of Traps and Trickery By Both Hamas and Israel."

Economic Optimism at Last -- Jack Welch Sees 'First Signs of Light'

'Cavuto on Business' mentions 'encouraging signs' about the economy.

Obamanation Meets Obama-Flation

The President-Elect's job predictions increase 64 percent. Why isn't media asking questions?

Ann in the Lioness' Den

Conservative author finds out her 'View' is not quite welcome on ABC's chat-fest.

NYT Styles Michelle Obama As "U.S. Fashion's One-Woman Bailout"

Can Michelle Obama single-handedly bail out the U.S. fashion industry? We can only hope.

Jill Abramson's Hypocrisy: No "Partisan Hatchet Jobs" in the NYT?

Managing Editor Jill Abramson: "Our Rush Limbaugh magazine cover story was a rich, nuanced portrait of someone whose show has made him a large force over time at the intersection of news, ...

Paul 'It's Never Enough' Krugman Strikes Again

Columnist says stimulus inadequate, shouldn't have tax cuts.

CNN Offers Populist's 'Pros and Cons' Instead of Balance

'American Morning' provides one columnist's perspective of President-elect's stimulus plan.

A Tale of Two Medicare Reforms: Obama's Benign "Overhaul" vs. GOP's Scary "Big Cuts"

A lead story by Jeff Zeleny and John Harwood shows that the Times has lost its false fear of "big cuts" in Medicare when they're proposed by Barack Obama.
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