
Times Hails Anti-Prop 8 Protests as "Stonewall 2.0"

More flattering coverage of the "New Wave of Gay Rights Activists," with no mention of the dark side of the protests.

Are Autoworkers Really Making $73 an Hour? No, Says UAW & NYT...

...but Yes, says the Heritage Foundation and the automakers themselves.

Nets Attack Vitamin Supplements After Study Casts Doubt on Disease Prevention

CBS, NBC question the benefits of vitamin supplements for disease prevention, but ignore the positive nutritional aspects.

The Overly Mysterious "Muxes" of Mexico

Meet the Muxes, a mysterious "third category" of person with "special intellectual and artistic gifts"...or maybe just a bunch of transvestities in Mexico?

Price of the Bailout: Media Holding BoA Culpable for Plant Closing

Bailout recipient Bank of America should keep lending to failing business, workers say.

NYT Ignores Concerns on Video of Jesus Defending Gay Marriage

"A particularly flippant Jesus Christ" channels Obama in a viral video satirizing opposition to California's Proposition 8 outlawing gay marriage - but the Times can't find anyone to criticize its ...

Lack of Snow in NYC Due to You Know What

Times theatre critic Charles Isherwood is feeling "flake-deficient" and blames global warming.

AP Reports Day Without A Gay Only One Way

In 'call in gay' story, AP ignores traditional marriage supporters; features event creators and lefty teachers eager to introduce gay issues to students.

Meryl Streep Argues Stern Nun Role Similar to War on Terror Absolutists

Streep's co-star Phillip Seymour Hoffman argues their new film is about changing the connotation of doubt and certainty.

Newsweek's Miller Plays Armchair Theologian to Defend Same-Sex Marriage

Miller illuminates her own prejudice against religious folk in her interpretation of Scripture.
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