
Michael Moore Continues Assault on Free Enterprise

Controversial filmmaker says 'capitalism doesn't work;' accuses 'wealthy' of collecting 'as much silverware as possible' before Obama sworn in.

Stolberg: Big-Government Proposals Provide "Comfort" in Times Akin to Great Depression

The Times' White House reporter celebrates the New New Deal: "Well I think you're seeing a very interesting comparison frankly to Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal. This has been called the New ...

'Evening News' Shows How Foreign Automakers Do It Right in America

'Tale of Two Plants' segment details Hyundai's lower costs of production versus Big Three.

The New Hollywood Blacklist

Only someone utterly ignorant would make a video where Jesus sounds like a lawyer for the ACLU.

ABC Promotes Abortion Two Ways on the Same Night

Viewers receive a dose of pro-abortion propaganda from ABC's news and entertainment divisions.

NBC Discovers Union Role in Auto Industry Turmoil

Unlike most other coverage, 'Today' segment highlights UAW contracts as 'albatross' for Big Three.

Krugman Claims Government Has $10 Trillion 'Cushion'

Pro-intervention economist and Nobel Prize winner tells 'Good Morning America' viewers that trillions more could be spent to fix the economy.

Times Blogger Rejects Hipster Affection for Che Guevara

A Times blogger calls out ignorant admirers of Che Guevara, reminding readers of Guevara's "executions when he presided over the prison at La Cabana and his apparent "willingness to have let the ...

Shhhhhhhh! Dow Loses Nearly 2,300 When Bernanke Talks

In last six months, 65 percent of days when Fed chairman speaks show market declines, including three of worst drops in history.

Networks Darken 'Black Friday'

Broadcast journalists marginalize increased turnout, spending; focus on downbeat angles of holiday shopping.
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