
CNN Fights the Free Market Argument

Ali Velshi of 'Your $$$$$,' says critics of regulation could meet 'in a phone booth.'

Velshi Gives Viewers Harsh Dose of Reality on Economic Policy

CNN chief business correspondent warns 'free' market economy may lose freedom, is skeptical of 'fake' green economy.

Networks Start Cheerleading for 'New-New Deal'

Evening news shows have no room for skepticism when there's an economy to nationalize.

Grinch-o-Meter ALERT! Bicoastal Episodes of Political Correctness

Florida school bars holiday decor, while two California schools give the ax to kindergarteners dressing as Pilgrims and Indians

ABC News Spends Friday Night with Prostitutes

Nightline twists economic turmoil into a feature on the world's oldest profession but never questions morality.

From the Campaign to the Transition: Decanting More Jodi Kantor Bias

Calling her "an expert in urban affairs, particularly housing and transportation," Kantor praises Obama senior adviser Valerie Jarrett while glossing over questions about her management of Chicago ...

Two Times Columnists Want Obama in There Early

Gail Collins favors a Bush-Cheney resignation and an interim President Pelosi, while Tom Friedman wants to move Inauguration Day up to Thanksgiving.

Time Journalist Calls Out NYT's "Extreme Pro-Obama Coverage"

Time Magazine journalist Mark Halperin ripped contrasting NYT profiles of Cindy McCain and Michelle Obama (both written by Jodi Kantor, pictured) as his prime examples of slanted campaign coverage.

Not a Parody: "Turkeys Were Being Executed in the Background"

Does the Times' editorial board know where Thankgiving dinner comes from? Its hysterical reaction to a clip of Sarah Palin at a turkey pardon suggests not.

NPR's Pagan Reporter Just Happens to Find Atheist Protester of Prayer Art Project

Featured artist says prayer is a scary reality but no one questions tax-payer funded public radio mocking the faith of millions.
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