
Inhofe: Paulson Used Scare Tactics to Force Bailout Legislation

Oklahoma senator reveals details of conference call and is set to push legislation to make bailout spending transparent.

O'Reilly Alone Reports Gay Attack on Christians

Homosexuals enraged over Prop. 8 physically and sexually assault a group of religious believers innocently praying in a public place, and this isn't news?

NYT Says Dan Rather Right on GOP-CBS Conspiracy

Jacques Steinberg lauds Dan Rather, still clever like a fox: "Using tools unavailable to him as a reporter - including the power of subpoena and the threat of punishment against witnesses who lie ...

Labeling Overload in Miami

Michael Cooper overdoses on "conservative" labels in a snide report from the Republican Governors Association meeting in Miami

Washington Post Columnist Calls for 'Big Honking' Gas Tax

Allan Sloan calls a massive federal tax a 'market' solution to energy concerns. Writer Calls Potential GM Bankruptcy 'A Suicidal Thing'

'Your $$$$$' considers the pros and cons of an auto bailout but ignores some causes of GM's near bankruptcy.

Controversial Obama Associate Ayers on Education: 'Throw Money at the Problem'

University of Chicago professor tells D.C. audience money for schools should be part of the 'Green New Deal.'

Media Mute on Obama's Mismatched Marriage Messages

How can a politician say he supports man-woman marriage when he opposes the Defense of Marriage Act?

Boston Legal Calls McCain/Palin Supporters Idiots

Storyline includes fantasy of having sex with the Alaska governor.

Phony Concern for National Review's Reputation

Lamenting a "far right" past it never respected in the first place: "Now, thanks to the coarsening effect of the Internet on political discourse, the magazine may have lost something else: its ...
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