
'Evening News' Bummed Over Lower Gas Prices

Segment views cheaper fuel as sign of economy in peril, obstacle to 'develop alternative sources of energy or fund green developments.'

Major Media Ignore Homosexual Hatefest in Christian Church

Gay activists disrupting a worship service by shouting Jesus is a Homo! apparently are not newsworthy.

ABC: Courts, not Chromosomes, Now Define Sex

Barbara Walters ignores biology while insisting the pregnant man is truly a man. After all, the state of Oregon says so.

Poor, Dumb, Racist Southerners for McCain

Adam Nossiter: "Southern counties that voted more heavily Republican this year than in 2004 tended to be poorer, less educated and whiter, a statistical analysis by The New York Times ...

Friedman: Let Gov't, Not Companies, Reap Carbon Tax Revenue

NY Times columnist agonizes over politicians reluctant to impose taxes that would artificially influence market behavior.

Fox Biz Anchor: Treasury's Misuse of TARP 'Outrageous'

Alexis Glick tells 'Early Show' Paulson's decision not to buy troubled assets is a 'mess' and 'does not make sense.'

Cutesy Shop Liberated Me from the Bush Years

Mike Albo: "If you feel as if you have been emotionally, professionally and politically run over by a tank for the last, say, eight years, then the well-selected, fun merchandise and carbonated ...

"Iraq War Ends": NYT Parody Issue Hits Streets of New York

A Times parody sounds a bit like the wish-list of the Times editorial page: "Articles described a nation turned hard left: nationalized oil companies, a 'maximum wage' law, the enactment of ...

'Nightly News' Pleads for Increased Welfare State

Segment blames government for not 'doing better' on heat, medical care, food for poor.

Barbara Walters Uses Pregnant 'Man' to Redefine Sexes, Family

In her quest to revise America's understanding of man and woman, the veteran ABC news celebrity covers up the essential fact: Thomas Beatie is, in reality, a woman.
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