
WaPo: Bush Pro-Life Regs Onerous, Ideologically Offensive

Reporters quote a former Clinton official accusing the Reagan and Bush administrations of establishing the Mexico City Policy, which limits the promotion of abortion by government-funded groups, ...

Nets Promote Prop. 8 Protesters

News coverage denies traditional marriage supporters any opportunity to make their case.

News Anchor: Hate on Both Sides as Prop. 8 Protesters Stomp on Cross

Talk about false moral equivalence.

Krugman: Government Should Spend $600 Billion to Solve Economic Woes

Nobel Prize-winning NY Times columnist tells CNBC government should allocate 4 percent of GDP for 'stimulus.'

CNBC Contributor Proposes Higher Taxes on Cheap Energy

Mesirow Financial chief economist suggests creating artificial demand for expensive alternative fuels if oil prices drop too low.

New York Times: Proposition 8 Hurts California Business

Newspaper claims shutting down the same-sex weddings will deepen economic crisis, doesn't mention that 'huge' impact is less than three-tenths of a percent of the state's deficit. Video: 'Lesson' from 1930s: Government the Solution

Reporters say federal intervention, bailouts were lesson of Great Depression.

CBS Finds Worst-Case Economic Hardship Story; Blames $4 Gas, Bailouts

'Evening News' follows other national media to Elkhart, Ind., where restaurateur is threatened by slowdown.

ABC, NBC Repeat Anonymous Rumors Discrediting Palin

No acknowledgement that McCain campaign staffers may be scrambling to hang the blame for his defeat on the vice-presidential nominee.

Access Hollywood Serves Up One Palin-Bashing Story, Two Kisses for Obama

Movie stars go gaga over Obama; Palin allegedly spent more than 150K on clothes and spoke with McCain staffers clad only in a towel; Obama to buy a puppy for his daughters.
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