
Late Night Comics' Jabs Heavily Favored Obama

Study finds that Leno and Letterman monologues made GOP ticket butt of jokes 7-1 over Democratic ticket.

Dean: DNC Uses Credit Card Data to Predict Votes

Democratic chair says analysts track personal spending to predict voting habits, claims Republicans pioneered tactic.

McCain's "Fundamentals of the Economy" Flub: A Revisionist View

Today the Times points to John McCain's statement as a gaffe that "fundamentally altered the dynamic of the race." But one Times writer characterized the resulting criticism as a "cheap shot."

President Obama Suck-Up Alert: First Entry, Reporter Rachel Swarns

It's gonna be a long four years: "In a country long divided, Mr. Obama had a singular appeal: he is biracial and Ivy League educated; a stirring speaker who shoots hoops and quotes the theologian ...

Not Everything Went the Times' Way on Election Night....

Wishful thinking about Democratic wins in Florida, Kentucky, and Mississippi failed to pan out.

Corzine 'Not Going to Say Never' to Treasury Position

CNBC 'Squawk Box' host tells New Jersey governor he 'could save the world.'

NBC Keeps Beating on Palin

The election is over, but Savannah Guthrie of the Today show is still assassinating the character of Sarah Palin.

Potty Mouths OK for TV but Not for the Supreme Court

As profanity explodes on television, lawyers arguing a broadcast decency case before the High Court are using euphemisms.

Ballot Measure Results Mixed for Values Issues

Voters upheld man-woman marriage in three states, but pro-life measures went down.

The Enduring Culture War

Some pundits claim the political battles over moral values are effectively at an end. They're kidding themselves.
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