
Media Have a Proposition for Calif. Churches: You're Bigots

Two days after California voters upheld man-woman marriage by voting for Prop. 8, the media stopped reporting the facts and started beating its civil rights drum.

CBS Slams Wall Street Bonuses, Stokes Class War Rhetoric

Worried bailout money may go to reward top workers, 'Early Show' story features 'unhappy' Barney Frank.

Presidential Historian: Obama Could Permanently Ban ANWR Drilling

Douglas Brinkley tells CNN's Lou Dobbs new president may turn Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to a national monument.

NBC Universal Plans Wall-to-Wall 'Green Week' Coverage

Family of networks will air 150 hours of environmental programming Nov. 16-22.

Journalists Credit Obama for Stock Gains, Ignore Losses

News media apply double standard to president-elect's influence on market fluctuations.

NBC Calls for More Health Insurance Regulation

'Nightly News' medical editor says government must block insurers from charging different prices to cover men and women.

ABC Ponders Bailing Out More Troubled Industries -- Like the Media!

'World News' weighs pros, cons of GM bailout; suggests other sectors could be considered for rescue.

Nanny State Diaries: CBS Profiles Schools Outlawing Baked Goods

Overbearing state ban on food with high sugar or fat content makes fundraising bake sales illegal.

Washington Post Quotes Liberal Catholic Saying U.S. Bishops Hold Minority View on Abortion

Note to WaPo: religions don't base moral teachings on opinion polls.

Matthews on Palin Seeking God's Okay: 'A Lot of Our Enemies Talk Like That'

MSNBC Hardball host suggests that politicians should not openly say they're looking for God's guidance in America's secular environment.
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