
WaPo Critic Seethes as Grey's Anatomy Drops Lesbian Character

ABC show continues to promote aberrant forms of sex.

To CNN, More Regulation from Treasury Isn't Worth Noting

American Morning host again cites Soros' criticism of Paulson, but is silent on anti-free market bent of possible picks.

President Obama Suck-Up Alert: Today's Entry, Reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg

The Times' White House reporter Stolberg (pictured) gushed about the president-elect: "Now comes Barack Obama: young, hip and multicultural..."

'Today' Revives Carbon-Spewing 'Ends of the Earth' Special

NBC morning show misses irony in emitting tons of carbon to travel globe for climate change special.

Rep. Chris Shays, Conservative? NYT Full of Labeling Slant

And in Colorado, "a drift toward socially conservative orthodoxy" made the Republican party a "tough sell to newcomers."

Obama's Chief of Staff Pick a Freddie Mac Alum - Will Media Notice?

Rep. Rahm Emanuel held paid position on troubled GSE's board from 2000-2002, when Freddie Mac was accused of accounting and campaign finance irregularities.

Reagan More Out-of-Mainstream Than Obama

Book review editor Sam Tanenhaus, who was considered a conservative when he took the job, seems amazed that "Some 40 years later, there are conservatives who still inveigh against the perils of ...

A Nice Blue Souvenir? NYT's Big Election Map Doesn't Show Actual Results

The Times published a big blue map on the front page of its special election section - but it's not a map of the 2008 results. It just shows the relative shift toward the Democrat, not that the ...

Cramer: Stop Deporting Illegal Aliens to Solve Housing Woes

'Mad Money' host details roadmap to financial fix: bail out automakers, utilize more natural gas, end deportations.

Media, McCain Ignored Key Issues

Conservative values still resonate with the public. Obama ran to the right of McCain on social and fiscal issues, and the media ignored the contradictions to his record.
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