
'Nightline' Shuns Balance While Blasting CEOs.

ABC's Brian Ross doesn't let fairness get in the way of good have vs. have-not story.

Fox Biz Anchor 'Frustrated' by Misuse of TARP

Alexis Glick says unpredictability of Treasury's bailout is affecting markets.

'Today' Unveils 'Water Footprint' Alarmism

NBC morning show obsesses over resource, compares H2O to financial crisis.

Networks Downplay Union Factor in Auto Manufacturing

CBS, NBC contrast foreign automakers' facilities with beleaguered Big Three, but ignore union causes of turmoil.

Investor Warns Dollar Rally Coming to an End

President of Euro Pacific Capital tells CNBC's 'Fast Money' recent rally in U.S. dollar unsustainable, will soon collapse.

A Sanitized Profile of Hezbollah's Unhappy Campers

Reporter Robert Worth devotes 2,600 words to Hezbollah's "Boy Scout"-style youth movement" in Lebanon without once using the word "terrorism."

Michael Moore Proposes Gov't Takeover of Autos; Good Riddance to Capitalism

Controversial filmmaker blasts free market system for carmakers failure, says federal control would produce mass transit and hybrid cars.

Early Thanksgiving: Gas Goes Below $2 a Gallon

Price of unleaded drops more than 50 percent in just four months.

Unofficially Engaged Is the New Unwed

A California congresswoman thinks it's no big deal to be pregnant and not married.

CNN Founder Ted Turner Touts Population Control and Detente

Appearing on PBS, the liberal media magnate advocates population control as the right thing to do.
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