
Media Research Center

Shhhh! Tim Howard’s a Christian

ABC, CBS and NBC leave out one crucial detail from hero soccer player’s life.
Media Research Center

For the Fourth, 5 Songs You May Not Know are Un-Patriotic

Leave these rockers off your backyard BBQ play list this Friday.
Media Research Center

Lefty Media Slam ‘Parasitic’ Ridesharing Companies Like Uber

Liberal economists and websites like Alternet, attack freedom and competition in rideshare vs. taxi feud.
Media Research Center

Conservative Women: Hobby Lobby Ruling Was The Pro-Life ‘Super Bowl’

CWA’s Alison Howard and SFLA’s Kristan Hawkins offer positive reactions.
Media Research Center

Flashback: After 2012 NOAA Claim, CBS Warned Glaciers Could Melt in 10 Years

Accepting ‘Hottest Month’ Claim, broadcast networks used it to push global warming alarmism.
Media Research Center

After Hobby Lobby: Lib Video Says ‘Religious Extremists’ Taking Away Rights

Pro-abortion ‘Catholic’ group and media favorite declares pro-lifers are ‘extremists.’
Media Research Center

Hobby Lobby Protesters Bash Religious Liberty at Supreme Court

5-4 decision welcomed by pro-life groups.
Media Research Center

Three Biggest Lies Liberals Spread about the Hobby Lobby Ruling

Liberals took to Twitter to blow the case way out of proportion.
Media Research Center

DHS Flunks Citizenship Test Question: '15 Stars and Stripes' on U.S. Flag

Government press release on naturalization ceremony flubs basic fact.
Media Research Center

Media Hype ‘Risky Business’ Climate Campaign, Forget Their Past Attacks on Former Treasury Secretary

As Henry Paulson unites with Michael Bloomberg, Tom Steyer to warn about climate change, news outlets repeat their conclusions.
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