
Media Research Center

Media Blame Vegas Shootings on Right: ‘Just As Deadly As Homegrown Jihadist Counterparts’

SPLC-citing libs say Conservative media, pols foster violence.
Media Research Center

Obama and Showtime Admit to Exploiting Extreme Weather Events to ‘Shift’ Public Opinion

President laughs as Times’ Friedman looks forward to storm ‘big enough to end the debate.’
Media Research Center

Live Action Video: Planned Parenthood Instructs Minors on ‘Torture Sex’

What do ‘breast clamps’ have to do with family planning?
Media Research Center

85 Percent of Network Coverage of EPA Regulations Ignore Economic Impact

New EPA coal regulations could kill half a million jobs and cost more than $1 trillion, but ABC, CBS and NBC praise them as 'ground-breaking' step for combating climate change.
Media Research Center

ACLU Director Says Movie ‘Makes Abortion Funny’

Washington Post piece claims ‘Obvious Child’ shows abortion as humorous.
Media Research Center

Jackman, Harris Headline Crass Tony Awards Show

Dragging out sex gags and shots at conservatives.
Media Research Center

Media Drive Hype on ‘Abortion Comedy’ as Planned Parenthood, NARAL Host Screenings

‘Obvious Child’ is a hit – with lefty media types.
Media Research Center

Conservative Writer Runs Afoul of LGBT Thought Cops

Kevin D. Williamson [gasp!] hurt someone’s feelings, and must be silenced.
Media Research Center

ABC Revives Soros-Funded Attacks on Johns Hopkins and Coal Companies

‘World News’ brought back a 2013 report alleging a conspiracy between coal companies and respected medical experts.
Media Research Center

Newly Published Bible Earning ‘Duck Dynasty’ More Liberal Hate

Just in case anyone forgot they’re supposed to disdain Phil Robertson.
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