
Media Research Center

Politico Spins Education Debate, Underestimates Grassroots Opposition

Despite more than 15,000 comments criticizing new regulations, Politico reported only 1,500 as part of anti-industry attack.
Media Research Center

TIME Promotes Feminist Hashtag Bashing Bible

‘War on Women’ baloney gets Biblical.
Media Research Center

Live Action Exposes Planned Parenthood – Will Media Note?

Pro-life advocacy group announces ‘Planned Parenthood Exposed’ campaign.
Media Research Center

Networks Ignore Financial Times’ Criticism of Piketty 'Errors'

An investigation finds far-left economist’s work ‘flawed,’ but ABC, CBS, NBC skip criticism of inequality ‘rock star.’
Media Research Center

Spider(Wo)man Not Gay Enough? Garfield Plays Transgender in Music Video

LGBTers unhappy band used superhero actor to ‘chide the religious right.’
Media Research Center

Lefty Comedian Tells Pro-Lifers To Go ‘F*ck Themselves’

Winstead’s tour promotes Planned Parenthood support.
Media Research Center

‘Climate Forecasts’ Full of ‘Pseudo-Science,’ Respected Scientist Claims

Prof. Bengtsson unloads on failed models and false predictions of extreme weather.
Media Research Center

National Catholic Reporter: Climate Change is ‘#1 Pro-Life Issue’

Left-wing NCR redefines ‘pro-life.’
Media Research Center

Alarmist Paul Ehrlich Predicts Need to ‘Eat the Bodies of Your Dead’

‘Population Bomb’ author calls for more abortions, accuses GOP of ‘stealing from poor’ and ‘trying to kill women.’
Media Research Center

New York Times ‘Best Evidence’ For Global Warming Melting Since 1700s

Alaska’s Muir Glacier photos used by newspaper to decry worldwide glacial melt, ignores Muir’s history.
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