
John McCain, Tax-Slashing Cynic

Michael Cooper paints an unflattering picture of both McCain and Bush's "deficit-swelling tax cuts."

NPR Highlights Charitable Giving During Downturn

Even with financial crisis people keep giving to others in need.

ABC Worries Economy Could Slim Government

'World News' laments Rhode Island's budget cuts, fails to show how tax policy, spending could be improved.

Big News: Obama Wins the Crayon Set

Children vote and Obama is the winner. What does this mean for the general election? How are they forming their opinions?

Media Ignore Obama's Radical Abortion Record

The Democratic presidential candidate has voted to protect partial birth abortion, and to deny care to infants who survive botched abortion attempts.

Brokaw: Financial Crisis Helps Obama

'Meet the Press' anchor claims bailout fury benefits Democratic candidate in Wall Street versus Main Street debate.

Bill Ayers, Charles Keating: Same Thing?

Michael Cooper sniffs at McCain's attack on domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and brings up...Charles Keating?: "Mr. McCain is not without his own questionable associations."

Frank Rich Accuses GOP of Spreading "Weimar-like Rage" at Rallies

The left-wing has reviled President Bush as Adolf Hitler and spread conspiracy theories claiming he's responsible for 9-11...but a few hotheads at a GOP campaign rally mark the dawn of a scary new ...

It's Official: Any Criticism of Obama Now Racially Suspect

The short version of Patrick Healy's piece: Every criticism a Republican makes against Obama, from saying he's "not one of us" to his relationship to Bill Ayers, is racially questionable.
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