
Newsweek's Religion Reporter Again Features Former Bush-Supporting Pastor Now Backing Obama

Lisa Miller apparently is trying to defuse criticism of Obama over Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

Media Endorse $700 Billion Economic 'Rescue'

Networks cheer market intervention, supply 'doomsday' predictions about economy without a bailout and claim it could turn a profit.

Oh, So That's Why He Did It

Reporter Jackie Calmes "scrambles" to portray John McCain as desperate on economic issues.

Left-Wing Columnist Heather Mallick's "Humor": Comparing Palin to Porn Actress

Times reporter Ian Austen might want to get his sense of humor checked.

Smarties for Obama, Heckling Hicks for Palin

Obama supporters are "the sort of crowd that can cite chapter and verse of Medicaid waivers without notes." Palin supporters are media-heckling racists.

Larry Rohter's Most Completely Anti-McCain "Fact Check" Yet

Pro-Obama talking points disguised as objective fact-checking.

Networks Quick on AIG Scandal, Not on Fannie, Freddie

ABC, CBS and NBC evening news broadcasts highlight $440,000 executive retreat, but don't scrutinize government-sponsored boondoggles.

CNBC's Gasparino: Obama's Tax Plan 'Throwing Gasoline on the Fire'

Network's on-air editor blasts Democratic presidential nominee on spending, tax policy.

'Evening News' Turns Credit Woes into Plea for Health Care Mandate

CBS segment features small business owners who expect federal government to solve their problems.

Character Counted in Second McCain-Obama Debate

While every question addressed policy issues, nearly a third also revealed the character of the candidates.
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