
ABC Addresses Debt and Personal Responsibility Head On

Economic woes trigger two segments with some refreshing straight talk about pursuing the American dream.

Still Screwing Up America

Abortion zealot Linda Hirshman has vindicated Bernie Goldberg's choice to include her in his book, 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America.

Financial Analyst Warns Inaction Will Lead to 'Mass Starvation'

CNN bailout clash continues between Peter Schiff and Stephen Leeb over choice 'between freedom and socialism.'

Knock Out: CNBC Confirms Lehman CEO Punched at Gym

Network verifies reports Richard Fuld was attacked for financial institution's bankruptcy.

Yeah! Another Red State for Obama

First North Carolina, then Virginia - now add Florida to the list of Red states where the Times is cheering Obama on.

'60 Minutes' Blames Crisis on Credit Swaps, Ignores Subprime Defaults

CBS's Kroft attacks traders, misses how overleveraging was real cause of financial turmoil.

No More Niceties: News Report Twice Labels McCain Claims Just Plain "False"

Reporter Michael Cooper's stylebook is bluntly pro-Obama.

The NYT's "Whitewash" of the Bill Ayers-Obama Connection

A 2,100-word front-page inoculation by the New York Times, purporting to investigate the relationship between '60s domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and Barack Obama: "But the two men do not appear to ...

Weekend Box Office: Americans Vote, Maher Loses

Anti-God mockumentary beaten out by movies about faith, love, patriotism … and Chihuahuas.

Sen. Kerry: GOP Used Pelosi as Excuse to 'Screw the Guy on Main Street'

Former Democratic presidential nominee blasts House Republicans for blocking $700 billion bailout legislation.
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