
Networks Wrong On Global Warming Again; Arctic Ice Still There

Predictions of open water prove incorrect as 1.74 million square miles of ice survive.

'Mindless Christian Lemmings' Columnist Uses Obscenity to Bash Conservatives, Christians … and NASCAR Fans

This kind of language is acceptable in a major newspaper?

Bumiller Joins Obama to Paint McCain as Bumbler: Colleague Cries "Cheap Shot"

A Times reporter has her (and the Obama campaign's) assumption challenged on the idea that McCain is blind to America's economic woes: "When you listen to that sound-bite in its totality, isn't it ...

Networks Help Obama Bridge Gap on Earmarks

Journalists race to 'check' Palin claims, ignore Democrats' billion dollars in earmarks.

CNBC Analysts: Wall Street Bailouts Mean 'Socialism,' 'Communists'

'Mad Money' host Cramer says government has engaged in Marxist philosophies after AIG bailout.

Did Rove Put Alabama's Democratic Gov. Siegelman in Jail? Um, No

The Times keeps spreading bad info based on ludicrously thin evidence: "Don Siegelman, the former governor of Alabama, was sentenced to seven years in prison as a result of a prosecution that ...

Front-Page Story Takes McCain's "Strong" Economy Remark Out of Context

Michael Cooper: "Mr. McCain has had to labor to get past the impression - fostered by his own admissions as recently as last year that the subject is not his strongest suit - that he lacks the ...

'Nightly News' Jabs McCain's Tech-Savvy

NBC reporter Kelly O'Donnell ignores McCain's work on Senate Commerce committee in segment similar to a recent Obama ad.

Editor Bill Keller's Judgment Clouded by Liberal Politics

Executive Editor Bill Keller's political paranoia clouded his editorial judgment, leading him to omit Barack Obama's middle-name "Hussein" from a front-page profile out of "caution."

TIME Gives Distorted View of McCain's, Obama's Character

The GOP presidential nominee is manipulating public opinion, the Democratic nominee is a victim. But is it really vice versa?
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