
'Evening News' Spouts Old Attack on Bottled Water, Endorses Regulation

One-sided CBS report prefers tap, showers scrutiny on plastic containers and leaves out industry reps.

Coffee, News and S-bombs

Another guest's use of an expletive on the Today Show highlights the need to use time delays during live broadcasts.

MRC's Tribute to the Media for 9/11 Coverage

On September 11, 2001, the news media did themselves proud in their coverage of the attack on America.

Energy Analyst Forecasts $300 Oil by 2015

Weeden & Co. expert says OPEC production cuts will send prices soaring.

And This Year's Award for Bad Metaphor Goes to...

John McCain, "the happy captive"?

CNN Parrots Dems on Republicans and Economy

Cable network promotes negative economic news; wrongly accuses GOP of avoiding the issue.

Public Editor Says Palin Coverage Fair, Parenting Angle "Legitimate"

Clark Hoyt says questions about Palin's "juggling" ability are totally inbounds: "The New York Times did have a front page story about the conversations that are going on among women...about how ...

Obama's Terrorist Colleague Bill Ayers Makes Cameo in Story on Education

An education story acknowledged the existence of Bill Ayers, an Obama colleague and cofounder of the violent terrorist group Weather Underground.

Newsweek's Female Columnists Pile on Palin

Writers blast away on religion, abortion and sexism.

Greenspan: Recession Still '50 Percent or More' Likely

Former Fed chair tells CNBC's 'Closing Bell' recession more likely than not, predicts inflation after economic 'crisis.'
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