
About-Face: Media Outlets Turn on 'Cancer Vaccine' Maker

Nets, newspapers were also promoting Gardasil before the side effects were known.

About-Face: Media Outlets Turn on 'Cancer Vaccine' Maker

Two years after broadcast networks, newspapers heralded Gardasil 'breakthrough,' Merck under attack for marketing its product.

Carter: Oil Industry Will Hold Down Prices to Help Republicans

Former President Jimmy Carter tells 'Early Show' crude costs will remain low to benefit GOP in 2008 election.

'World News' Attacks Banking Lobbyist at DNC Convention

ABC correspondent Brian Ross ignores 1st Amendment, tries to expose how legislators are 'spoon-fed.'

Clueless Columnist Friedman Celebrates China's "Concentrated State Power"

Tom Friedman cluelessly celebrates the Chinese Communists "planning" and "national mobilization," which included displacing over a million of its citizens to make way for Olympic pageantry.

Pushing Another Left-Wing Anti-War Dud

Anti-Bush author Ron Suskind's anecdote about a "forged letter," allegedly used by Bush to establish a Saddam-9/11 link, is very likely a phony story in itself.

Obama's Not in Kansas Anymore - And Never Was

Alessandra Stanley noted praise of "Obama's hardscrabble Kansas roots," but Obama had never even been to his grandfather's hometown in Kansas until this year.

Hillary Clinton's Speech: How Great Was That?

The Times political blog asks readers about Hillary Clinton's speech: Did you A) Love It or B) Really, Really Love It?

Times Again Glosses Over Bill Ayers' Terrorism, Attacks Ad Instead

For the third story in a row, Jim Rutenberg shrugs off Obama associate Bill Ayers' bombing of the U.S. Capitol to instead obsess over the funding of a conservative ad questioning the relationship.

NBC to 'Gay' Journalists: 'Your Victories Are Our Victories'

The news media loudly proclaimed its support for the homosexual activist agenda at the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association convention in Washington, D.C.
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