
CBS Highlights Southwest's Smart Business Practices

'Evening News' shows how discount carrier maintained profitable streak through oil hedging and simplified business model.

Does the Times Think Brigitte Gabriel's a "Radical Islamophobe"?

The author and opponent of radical Islam faces amazingly hostile and suspicious questions from the Times' liberal "Q&A" interviewer Deborah Solomon (pictured).

Reporters Annoyed with McCain's Mockery of Obama

It's OK for Democrats to mock McCain as a tool of Big Oil, but don't laugh or issue "snarky news releases" about Obama's tire gauge suggestion.

ABC Reporter Implies John McCain Has No Character

Or less character than rival Barack Obama, at least.

TIME Writer Objects to Recognizing Life at Conception

Nancy Gibbs suggests McCain's stance could lead to more abortions.

CNBC's Cramer: Media Wrong on Causes of Oil Prices

'Mad Money' host says supply and demand responsible, not minor global incidents often reported by media, traders.

Michael Luo's Anti-Romney Piece Crammed with "Conservative" Labels

The presidential race is tightening, yet the Times still portrays "conservatives" as full of angst over their VP choices.

Times Implausibly Finds "The Daily Show" with Jon Stewart Nonpartisan

Michiko Kakutani: "For all its eviscerations of the administration, 'The Daily Show' is animated not by partisanship but by a deep mistrust of all ideology." What show has she been watching?

A Double Standard on "Smears"

The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and Willie Horton ad fall under the "smear" category, but the NAACP's 2000 attack on George W. Bush doesn't.

Oops: CNN Contributor Gets Oil Estimate Wrong By 19 Billion Barrels

Writer Steve Hargreaves tells viewers exploration and drilling would have a 'negligible' difference because there are 'maybe a million barrels offshore.'
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