
Pineapple Express: Marijuana Cautionary Tale?

Judd Apatow says his latest movie is anti-drug. Critics: 'What are you smoking?'

CNN: Plastic Surgery Under the Knife Because of Economy

'American Morning' warns economic downturn has led to decline of cosmetic procedures.

Reporter: McCain Played Race Card Defending Himself Against Obama Accusation

Can't win alert: According to Michael Powell, when the McCain camp accused Barack Obama of playing the race card, it was itself playing the race card.

Network News Barely Considers Nuclear Option

Media outlets mostly ignore easy energy solution even when brought up by candidates, despite the nation's urgent power needs.

McGovern Criticizes News 'Saturation' of Democratic Primary

Former presidential candidate says increasing media competition bad for politics; calls Iraq war 'as popular as AIDS.'

NYT Goes on Attack Against Corsi's Anti-Obama Book

For years, the Times has praised misleading anti-Bush books. Yet when a successful book attacking Barack Obama appears, the Times pushes back with a front-page article critical of the ...

FCC Commissioner: Return of Fairness Doctrine Could Control Web Content

McDowell warns reinstated powers could play in net neutrality debate, lead to government requiring balance on Web sites.

Local ABC Stations Report Gardasil Story Better than

Concerns over serious side effects prompts CDC to review the vaccine's safety.

McCain's "Dangerous" "Hard Line" Against Russia

Damned if you do...McCain's hard line against Russia is called dangerous - but the Times also runs a front-page story asking why hasn't George helped Georgia yet.

Obama VP Candidate Evan Bayh's Dubious "Conservatism"

Carl Hulse pushes the Indiana senator's "moderate-to-conservative record," a description utterly nullified by Bayh's actual left-of-center voting history.
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