
Let's Talk About Sex

Newsweek provides great tips for parents on how to talk to young teens about sex but needs to emphasize parental monitoring of teens' entertainment choices.

Teen Choice Awards a Mixed Bag of Morality

Skanky Gossip Girl rakes in six awards, but squeaky clean Jonas Brothers get the nod too.

CNBC Blog Credits Obama with Oil Drop

Author claims victory could knock $40 a barrel off cost, but he's a Democrat donor and other experts disagree.

Oh Boy: Columnist Bob Herbert Seeing "Phallic Symbols" in McCain Ad

It's going to be a long campaign.

ABC Joins CSPI Attack on Restaurants

'Good Morning America' reports liberal activists' hit piece on kids menus, ignores parents' responsibility to care for children.

NYT's Powell Claims McCain Camp Started Race Card "Furor"

"Senator Barack Obama is a man of few rhetorical stumbles..."? Michael Powell's front-page report on Obama and the race card gets off to a bad start.

Deborah Solomon Calls Swift Boat Vets "Ugly Chapter" in U.S. History

Sunday Magazine reporter Solomon (pictured) confronts T. Boone Pickens on the charges made by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth: "I thought it was all invented."

"Objective Sources" Like WP, NYT Say McCain Ads "Over the Top & Unfair"

With the U.S. succeeding in Iraq, the Times abruptly decides the war is no longer important to voters. Adam Nagourney: "Don't you think that people are thinking about different things right now?" ...

Washington Post Uses Unitarian Shooting to Demonize Conservative Christians, Talk Radio

Given the Post's one-sided account, could the paper be contributing to a climate of hate against conservative talkers and orthodox religious believers?

Washington Post Spins CDC AIDS Blunder

Media solution for increased HIV infection rates: throw more money at the problem.
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