
USA Today: Fewer Economists Expect Recession

Poll shows number of economists diagnosing a recession has dropped from 67 percent to 51 percent since April.

Second Minimum Wage Hike Not 'Enough' for the Media

Journalists from broadcast networks, CNN and AP inflate number of minimum-wage workers and complain wages still aren't high enough.

'World News' Promotes Food Police Attack on Marketing

Segment insists characters brainwash kids into eating unhealthy foods, says voluntary standards 'aren't nearly good enough.'

ABC Covers Medical Marvels Extended to the Unborn

World News with Charles Gibson highlights the tiniest, most fragile of patients imaginable – unborn babies.

Nancy Pelosi Schmoozes With NYT Reporter, Who Asks About Impeaching Bush

Reporter Elisabeth Bumiller poses sympathetic questions to the House Speaker at a public interview, and Pelosi brings up the Fairness Doctrine: "[Right-wingers] saw an opportunity, came out of the ...

House Majority Whip: Climate Change Hurts Blacks More

Clyburn says African-Americans 'disproportionately impacted'; study recommends 'fee, tax or allowance auction on polluters.'

"Archconservative" Sen. Tom Coburn Is the NYT's New "Dr. No"

One of reporter Carl Hulse's descriptions of Sen. Tom Coburn may have been even too liberally slanted for the Times. Meanwhile, Ted Kennedy is again simply a "Democrat of Massachusetts."

CBS Slams Payday Loan 'Traps'

'Evening News' ignores borrower responsibility in hit piece on short-term lenders.

Reporter Hammers Bush's "Rigid," "With-Us-Or-Against-Us Presidency"

Patrick Healy cites words of wisdom from John Kerry to explain why voters have turned to senators: "Maybe what John Kerry...called the 'stubbornness' and 'rigidity' of the Bush administration has ...

The Media Fix Is In on Key Gay Issues

A columnist smears a witness testifying against permitting open homosexuals in the military, and the media ignore a California official abusing her office to advance same-sex marriage.
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